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Expanded Study Abroad Program Takes Flight

Iona has launched an expanded study abroad program, adding Panama, Costa Rica, Brazil and Ireland to its list of destinations, giving students an even wider range of countries to choose from when looking to engage abroad. Iona is also bringing back popular study abroad programs in destinations such as Poland, Spain, France and more.

“My professor emphasized that we were not in London to become tourists, but to become travelers, and immerse ourselves in the culture,” said Elijah Williams ’23, who spent his spring break exploring England.

In addition, students can also take part in Iona in Mission trips, offering a variety of service opportunities both domestically and around the world.

“As a Jamaican, I took great pride and joy in helping my people,” said Toni Fullerton ’24, who traveled to Jamaica earlier this year. “This mission trip has changed my life for the better. I have learned how to focus on what I can do for others instead of what they can do for me.”

Photo: Students visited Saint Peter’s Basilica in Vatican City during their travels through Rome and Milan, Italy.

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