Student Scholars Produce Valuable Research
Iona students — both undergraduate and graduate — regularly participate in and produce important research. Every year, Iona scholars investigate relevant and timely topics in the arts and sciences, as well as in areas of business. The research they produce asks probing questions, adds valuable information to existing bodies of knowledge, and can significantly benefit lives.
This spring, the College hosted its Ninth Annual Iona Scholars Day with over 130 students partici-pating. Sixty poster presentations, eight panel discussions, and a Fine Arts segment celebrated the research and creative activities of exemplary Iona students.
Panel sessions included talks titled “For the Love of God: Explorations of Practice and Belief in Sufi Islam;” “Therapeutic Storytelling: The Humanities as a Healing Art;” and “Gender and Film.” Students presented posters on a wide range of subjects including “The Effect of Animals on the Prevalence of Autism Spectrum Disorder Behaviors in Children,” and “The Relationship Between Social Media Use, Emotional Expressivity, and Perceived Loneliness.”

The Iona College Dance Program performed original choreographic works, and students from the music program performed original compositions. Visual Arts presentations included experimental studies on “en plein air,” the technique of painting outdoors.
President Nyre commented, “I am grateful for the opportunity to celebrate the impressive efforts of our scholars and to learn more about the profound discoveries our researchers have made about their work and themselves.”